

I am serving as the FabEngineer for the Fablab in JPWTI, because of which I got the scholarship and this great opportunity to attend the Fabacademy2022 for which I would like to bow down in utmost gratefulness to His majesty Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck. My heart is filled with gratitude for His Majesty. No words can express the overwhelming gratitude to His Majesty. His Majesty has always focussed on the importance of education and the youth of Bhutan and particularly on the STEM education in the country. I would like to offer my deepest obeisance and eternal gratitude to His Majesty for His Love, Care and Boundless Compassion, and offer our humble prayers for His Majesty’s long life.

Below is the kupar (picture) of His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyal Wangchuck, Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck and Their Royal Highnesses Gyalsey Jigme Namgyel and Gyalsey Ugyen Wangchuck (our dragon princes )


Now diving into fabacademy, if you think attending fabAcademy is like a slap on your face, then I am attending attending both FabAcademy and Fabzero which is like getting slapped on both the cheeks by at the same time (I know its a very bad analogy 😝 ) but turns out its fun. I am enjoying both the sessions and I honestly didnot know learning could be this fun.

For the FabZero, the mentors are Francisco and Sibu Saman. We went around the country to set up the labs: SFL in thimphu, Standard fablab in Gelephu and paro and Bio-Fablab in Punakha.



The fab-zero documentation is done here